Odour neutralization water treatment facility
Technical Cleaning Company and WVT Industries join forces during successful odor neutralization project at a facility of Water treatment in Saudi-Arabia with O-Scent WT !
Technical Cleaning Company, an industrial cleaning company in Saudi-Arabia, was asked by the national water treatment company of Saudi-Arabia to help them find a solution for their odor problem at one of their sludge treatment facilities. The national water treatment was facing more and more problems from the residential areas due to the bad odour by the treatment and drying of sludge, which creates H2S (hydrogen sulphide) and some VOC’s. (Volatile organic compounds)
Technical Cleaning Company and WVT Industries are already working together for some years and contacted us as they know we have done similar, successful projects in the past. The scope of work was to treat this bad odor around a building where the sludge is treated and an outside drying bed of the sludge, this to make sure that the bad odour was completely neutralized.
In December 2015 a mobile construction was set up with atomizing Tripods in an angle of 45° around the area to treat. These atomizing Tripods were linked with an automatic high pressure pump connected to potable water and our product O-Scent WT.
Before starting atomizing around the area with bad odour, measurements by an external laboratory were done by Olfactometer to determine the intensity of smell. Measurements by Olfactometer are worldwide official odor determinations which are expressed in Odour Units. The result of these measurements gave a high amount of Odour Units (80 – 100), which states a lot of bad odour was around the area. Additionally specific H2S measurements were conducted to determine the exact concentration of present H2S
Once this preliminary trials were completed, the atomizing tripods were switched on and atomized continuously (24/7) water with a 0,5% dilution of O-Scent WVT during the period of 1 month. Already 1 hour after start-up, we were able to notice the positive neutralizing result of our O-Scent WT. During this 1 month trial of atomizing our product, new measurements by Olfactometer were done to determine the effectiveness of the treatment with our O-Scent WT.
The results of the measurements were outstanding ! Due to the treatment with O-Scent WT the bad odor was reduced with more than 95%! Only 0-4 Odor Units were measured ! Again the specific H2S measurements were conducted as well and proved that H2S was also reduced with more than 95%!
Conclusion : By treatment with O-Scent WT, not only the H2S-odor is neutralized but also the H2S itself , which is currently unique !
Technical Cleaning Company and WVT Industries are now in discussion with the national water treatment company of Saudi-Arabia to move forward with this treatment on 28 other locations!