O-Scent H2S
There are a number of reasons for putrid smell in wastewater streams. Freshly discharged water can have a typical smell. Under anaerobic conditions the smell of wastewater can be strengthened, caused by the septic conditions. Septic conditions occur, when aerobic bacteria use all of the available oxygen to decompose organic matter for energy. In domestic and industrial wastewater streams sulfides are naturally found. If there is a lack of oxygen, the decomposition of sulfides cannot take place. The combination with hydrogen takes place and hydrogen sulfide gas is produced associated with septic conditions.
There are several critical aspects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in the air and as dissolved hydrogen sulfide in the water. H2S is one of the most unpleasant and dangerous odor components. Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic and its corrosive nature will cause corrosion on concrete and metals. Through oxidation it generates sulfuric acid and hereby causes corrosion also on the concrete surface. The H2S gas will react with metals which results in corroded electronic devices and electronic operation boards. H2S gas is detectable even in very low concentrations.
Odor control chemicals are applied to bind Hydrogen Sulfide and to prevent H2S from reacting and escaping the wastewater. As long as sufficient O-Scent H2S is in the water sulfate reducing bacteria will not produce H2S. Therefore by creating optimal conditions for nitrification bacteria sulfates will not be decomposed to sulfides and eventually form H2S under acidic environment.
O-Scent H2S is a synergistic blend of different active components and will react directly with present H2S to transfer it into odorless and non-dangerous substances. At the same time O-Scent H2S is inhibiting the new formation of H2S by bacteria.
The performance of O-Scent H2S can be adapted to all types of wastewater.
The corrosion in wastewater systems, concrete and metals, is minimized.
No more bad odor complaint.
No more health risk by H2S gas.
The dosage of O-Scent H2S depends on the present concentration of sulfur compounds, and should be determined experimentally. In most cases, a maintenance dose of 50 g / m³ in the incoming waste stream is sufficient. In order to treat a large volume, we recommend to initially carry out a batch dosage on the basis of the volume and then start with the previously mentioned maintenance dose. If this is not possible due to insufficient agitation in the storage pond then use an increased continuous dose (250g / m) during several weeks.
Always refer to the proper MSDS before use.